Lewis Black is a comedy legend, having won two Grammys and is designated as the longest-running contributor on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show.” You may have even seen him on HBO, Comedy Central, Showtime, and Epix. Lewis Black isn’t afraid to speak his mind and express his frustrations with things like politics, religion, history, and anything under the sun that grinds his gears. This new shoe promises to be a night of laughter and catharsis. Expect him to poke fun at himself and his own anger issues, (which is even more fitting as he’s the voice of “Anger” in Disney Pixar’s “Inside Out” series), but don’t be surprised if he displays some unexpected insight and wisdom. Black arrives at The Venetian’s Summit Showroom for his “Goodbye Yeller Brick Road, The Final Tour!” He is sure to make an impression with his trademark style of comedic yelling and finger pointing to expose the absurdities that life has to offer. What are you waiting for? Get your tickets now.
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